My Weblog

Taxes in the Heartland
September 19, 2008, 11:33 pm
Filed under: democrats, economy, politics, social security

I live in Missouri.  I am compiling a list of all of the taxes that Missourians have to pay, and conservative living expenses for my area.  This list does not include a lot of debt, or other things many people pay like child support or alimony.  All of these figures are, in my opinion, on the low side. Please note, how much more tax is paid than any expense.  It’s ridiculous.  I think the best way to get real tax reform and control of government spending is to stop withholding income taxes from payroll.  Send out bills for  $25,000.00 at the end of the year.  That would snap the entire country out of the zombie zone quick.  Taxers would be voted out.  Real reform would take place, and the government would scramble, because, less than half the country would pay their tax debt on time (if at all).  Something to think about.

These taxes are specific to my county (Clay) and I live outside of a city limit, so you should know that.  If you know of one that I have missed, please alert me.  These are rough estimates obtained from official taxing jurisdiction web pages.

Based on 100,000.00 income, Married Filing Jointly, 1 Child.  No retirement or other deductions applied.

Fed Income Tax -11,344.00

FICA (Social Security, Medicare) – 7,650.00

State Income Tax – 3,675.00

Personal Property Tax (based on 2 cars worth $8,000 each, and 145,000 house) -1,982

Gasoline Tax (based on purchasing 24 gallons per week) – 219.65

Sales Tax – (based on purchasing $5,000 of non food items @ 7% average tax) – 350.00

Sales Tax – (based on purchasing $6,000 of food # 4.325% average tax) – 259.50

Utility taxes, “sin” taxes, etc… (just a guess) – 150.00

Total – $25,630.15

Net Income – $74, 369.85

Now some common expenditures:

Tithes (10,000.00) – Balance $64,369.85

Mortgage (10,800.00) – Balance $53,569.85

Car Payment (3,000.00) – Balance $50,539.85

Health Insurance (3,000.00) – $47,539.85

Health Insurance Deductible (1,200.00) – $46,339.85

Life Insurance (960.00) – $45,379.85

Auto Insurance (1,200.00) – $44,179.85

Utilities (phone, elec, gas, cell, cable, internet, water, trash, recycling) (6,780) – $37,399.85

Food (groceries) (6000) – $31,399.85

Household Furnishings, Clothing, Auto Upkeep, Toiletries, Dining, Grooming, Misc., etc… (5000) – $26,399.85

Medical, Dental, Etc.. after Insurance (600) – $25,799.85

Retirement (4%) (4000) – $21,799.85

Savings (5200) – $16,599.85

Childcare (2080) – $14,519.85

Child Expenses (lunch, activities, tutors, etc…) (1200) – $13,319.85

Gifts (Christmas, birthdays, etc..) (1200) – $12,119.85

Other (pets, lawncare, etc…) (1200) – $10,919.85

Gasoline (24 gallons/ week at 3.40/gal) (4243) –  $6,676.85

Debt (1800) – $4,876.85

Disposable Income – $4,876.85 or   $93.00 per week

Who’s rich now?  I would like to see Barack Obama’s family live on $93.00 a week disposable income.

BTW, these ARE NOT my actual bills.  Mine are higher.

Remember these words
September 19, 2008, 9:44 pm
Filed under: politics

Barack Obama voted for Joe Biden before he voted against him.

September 17, 2008, 9:55 pm
Filed under: democrats, economy, politics

I saw a sign that said “Change – that’s all you’ll have let when Obama is done with you”.  I will admit that, as a conservative I have just assumed that the Obama tax plan was more of the same liberal wallet robbing that the entire Pelosi run Congress seems so fond of.  Then I said to myself “Self – why assume? After all, you know what they say about assuming.” So I decided to get the facts.

So, upon visiting the Barack Obama official website, and it says that for my tax bracket, I will receive a tax cut of $1,000.00.  Sounds great! Right? No, not right, LEFT actually.  You see what they do not mention on the nifty little “how much will your tax break be?” chart is that, Obama plans on rescinding the Bush tax cuts.  That will automatically raise my tax liability around $1,200.00 per year.  So let me see, first he will raise my taxes by $1,200.00 then he will lower them by $1,000.00.  But wait!  Isn’t $1,200.00 minus $1,000.00 = $200.00.  So, my taxes will be raised, at least $200.00.  Funny, that’s not what the Obama website says.  Is this just a misunderstanding?  Maybe the folks running his campaign just overlooked this little fact?    I am sure that they are so busy, that they just forgot that by forgoing the Bush cuts, they are increasing taxes.  Oh, and more bad news, for you evil rich people who make $250,000.00 per year, they make no bones about the fact that your taxes are going up, up, up.  Not only are they going up, but Obama has said that he wants to retroactively charged a higher tax rate for the last 8 years!  You see, you have been working to hard.  You should not get to keep the money that you have earned.  It should go to those “less fortunate” than you.  I am not sure why this is never reported on the “news”, but going back 8 years on people seems, well, criminal.  Although Corpus Juris pertains to criminal law (I think), it seems fitting here.  Perhaps this could be called Corpus Juris Marxist.

Foolish Budget Recommendations KC Star
Steven Pearlstein from the Washington Post, had a column in the Kansas City Star Sunday with some truly offensive recommendations for cutting the federal budget deficit. The column outlined Mr. Pearlstein’s ideas for cutting the budget, such as requiring co-payments from our military families on health care. Now I find that outrageous.  These are our sons and daughters, out their sacrificing, putting their butts on the line for our safety, and they are barely paid a living wage to begin with. It is the federal governments duty to “provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining, the Militia” as stated in the Constitution. The people who heed the call of duty to our country should be compensated at a level that provides for a comfortable living for a family, as well as benefits that are at least comparable to those of elected officials. Another of Pearlsteins brainiac ideas was in regards to Social Security, “raise the payroll tax limit to $250,000; raise the retirement age one month every two years; use a more progressive formula for indexing cost of living.” Now I don’t know about any of you, but more taxes that are not going to be properly allocated, and more delays in the start of benefits seem to be more of the same when it comes to “saving” the Social Security system.  I personally just want out. My proposal is to do the following: All new workforce entries be completely out of this system, spend as little money as possible on an educational program for young people entering the workforce on how to save for retirement. (Perhaps companies could do this with a little of the money that they are saving on the payroll taxes.) Ensure the understanding amongst these new workers that they are bringing home significantly more than people who are still in the system, that they are stimulating the economy by saving businesses a ton of money, and most importantly, that they are responsible for their own retirement funding. Allow all people under 50 to leave the system on a voluntary basis. The government keeps all of the funds that they have paid into the system except for those paid in the last two years, which should be returned to the taxpayers so that they may start investing it on their own. Those who wish to remain in the system may do so, at their own peril of course, and subject to further changes in benefits, etc… It’s that simple, along with a complete ban on all pork spending, can assure that those still in the system receive some of the benefits that they are relying upon, and allows the rest of us to actually make a descent rate of return on our own money. (Imagine such a thing in a “free” country.) I am not a economist, so I am not sure that this would actually balance budget wise. But it would put a stop some time in the not so far off future to the madness that is Social Security.